Scholarship Giving Opportunities Make College Possible for All

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Honoring the memory of a loved one. Demonstrating passion for a specific industry or career field. Making a dream become reality for someone who never thought College was financially within their reach. Every one of our amazing donors like you has personally meaningful reasons for establishing or supporting a scholarship at NWTC. You can become one of those donors by participating in one of the giving opportunities below with the NWTC Foundation.

Ways to Make a Difference

Need-Based Scholarships

We believe every student deserves educational access to create a better future. Your gift has an immediate impact on increased wages and a lifelong generational impact to break the cycle of poverty.

Donate today and specify "Making College Possible Fund" in the description box, or view an informational brochure.

Endowed Scholarships

An endowment is a permanent fund in which the principal is invested and a portion of the earnings fund scholarships. 

Endowment levels begin at $10,000.

Named Scholarships

A named, memorial, or honorary scholarship is a special way to recognize a loved one or express your own generosity.  With an investment of $500 (average gift is $750), you can associate an individual, corporate or family name with a scholarship.

Complete the named scholarship form and email it to or mail to this address:

NWTC Educational Foundation
2740 W. Mason St.
Green Bay, WI 54307-9042

Shawano Area Endowment

Make college possible for motivated, hardworking NWTC students in the greater Shawano area. You can help students persist and become graduates who will make your businesses and community thrive. These scholarships can be life-changing for someone who could not otherwise afford to go to college. 

Give the gift of education to Shawano area students:

Leave a Lasting Legacy

Leave a gift to the NWTC Foundation in your will or estate plans to help make college possible for future generations without paying a cent today.

NWTC partnered with FreeWill, a free online tool to help you write a will in under 20 minutes. Learn more about FreeWill.

Beneficiary Designation Gift

  • Simplifies your planning while avoiding legal fees.
  • Helps to reduce burden of taxes on your family.
  • Receive an estate tax charitable deduction.
  • Through our free resource, you can easily plan beneficiaries for your non-probate assets in one place. Find out more here.

Interested in leaving a lasting legacy? Complete this form and email to or mail to:

NWTC Educational Foundation
2740 West Mason Street P.O. Box 19042
Green Bay, WI 54307-9042

Have you already included a gift in your will or trust? Please fill out this form to let us know! We would love to thank you for your generosity.

More Tax-Savvy Options

Donate Stock, Mutual Funds or ETFs

  • Avoid capital gains tax (up to 20%).
  • If you give stock to charity instead of selling it, neither you nor the charity have to pay taxes on it.
  • Maximize your philanthropic impact because the money you would have paid in taxes can instead go fully to the non-profit.

Donate from your IRA

  • Helps donors meet all or part of your RMD (Required Minimum Distribution).
  • Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) gifts avoid paying federal income taxes on the IRA distribution.

Donor Advised Funds

  • This is like a charitable savings account.
  • When you contribute to your Donor Advised Fund (DAF), you are generally eligible for an immediate tax deduction.
  • You can recommend grants to the NWTC Foundation at any time.

Please talk with your tax or financial advisor to get started.

Routing information:

Firm name: Pershing, LLC
Account #: ST1092474
DTC: 0443
Registration: Northeast WI Technical College Educational Foundation Inc.
Attn: Meridith Jaeger

Why Your Support Matters to Students

  • NWTC enrolls approximately 10,000 undergraduate students. However, only 34% of NWTC students attend college full-time, many for financial reasons.
  • 50% of students are low income level. 
  • 30% of students have children.
  • Over half of our surveyed students work more than 20 hours a week.

Community Impact

A key component to a healthy community is a high quality of life or standard of living. For many individuals and families, a career can be the direct link to that higher quality of life. NWTC’s goal is to provide learning opportunities for all students that will ensure the successful development and enhancement of a career that sustains family, community, business, and continuous personal growth. 

More Ways to Help


Fund allows the Foundation to meet immediate student & program needs, plus funds College-wide projects & initiatives that support student success.

Student Emergency Fund

The NWTC Student Emergency Fund is a program aimed at decreasing the number of students who leave College due to an unforeseen financial barrier.

Contact Us for More Opportunities

Meridith Jaeger
Meridith Jaeger
Executive Director of the Foundation and Grants / Chief Advancement Officer
Alicia Van Straten
Alicia Van Straten
Coordinator, Foundation Office & Scholarship