Strategic Priorities Navigating Degrees of Change

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At NWTC, we are developing our next Strategic Priorities from academic year 2024-2027 – the priorities that will guide our work over the next several years. Insights from faculty, staff, and our community are invaluable as we develop our new strategic plan.

2024-2027 Strategic Directions

Strategic Planning Structure

  • The Core Team, led by the Vice President of College Advancement, will act as tri-chairs for the strategic planning steering committee.
  • The Steering Committee will be responsible for managing the strategic planning process from start to finish and for producing the final product with the support and expertise of others as needed.


  • NWTC President, Dr. Kristen Raney

Core Team (Tri-Chairs)

  • Vice President of College Advancement, Meridith Jaeger (strategic planning lead)
  • Faculty, Sheila Gross-Rogers
  • Student Services, Nerf Udoekong

Steering Committee Members

  • Business & Technology, Dawn Smith
  • Business & Technology, Jay Allen
  • College Advancement, Carrie Mahlik
  • Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, Sara Lam
  • Learning, Howard Herrild
  • Learning, Kristin Sericati
  • Student Services, Danielle Freeman
  • Student Services, Jodi Tetting
  • Talent & Culture, Dawn Rentmeester

Support/Expertise Partners

  • Institutional Research Manager, Sarah Klingman-Cole
  • Director of Enterprise Applications, John Kopp
  • Manager of Student Retention, Matt Petersen
  • Dean of Enrollment Services, Mark Franks
  • Marketing/Communications Liaison, Hollie Lindemann
  • Executive Assistant to VP of College Advancement, Tracy Kozlowski

Strategic Priorities Timeline

Phase 1: Information Gathering

September-November 2023 – complete

  • Community Conversations throughout district
  • Gather feedback from community, faculty, staff, and students
  • Draft strategic planning process
  • Select and invite NWTC stakeholders to serve on Strategic Planning Steering Committee and Core Team
  • Begin planning for Spring All-Staff In-Service event

Phase 2: Process Design

December 2023-February 2024 – complete

  • Strategic Planning Steering Committee kick-off meeting
  • Complete demographic and industry profiles
  • Review Community Conversations feedback and identify themes
  • Design stakeholder tools, methodology, and timeline
  • Mission, Vision, Values review
  • Gather stakeholder input
  • Steering Committee review of environmental scanning outputs

Phase 3: Draft Creation

Summer/Fall 2024 – complete

  • Create working draft of Strategic Priorities
  • Gather stakeholder feedback on working draft
  • Incorporate feedback into working draft
  • Develop goals and measures for Strategic Priorities
  • Gather feedback on goals and measures

Phase 4: Finalizing Objectives and Impacts

Fall 2024 – in progress

  • President and Cabinet finalize draft Strategic Priorities
  • Final Strategic Priorities and Measures adopted by Board of Trustees and shared with College community
  • NWTC 2024-2027 Strategic Priorities take effect

2018-2023 Strategic Directions

Download Strategic Directions 2018-2023

We asked District residents to help us set the course to shape our Strategic Directions, gathering input from business leaders, education partners, community members, and students. We asked what they needed from the College to support economic development, employment, and a great quality of life in Northeast Wisconsin.

NWTC set several primary goals to help shape the College’s work for 2018-2023. The common theme: student success.

  1. More students will complete academic programs.
  2. More students will graduate.
  3. More credentials will be granted.
  4. More students of color will graduate.
  5. More students will complete gateway courses.
  6. More students of color will complete gateway courses.
  7. More academic programs will produce more than one-third of the graduates needed to meet workforce demand.
  8. More residents will be served.

The complete goals, including metrics for each goal, can be found on page 42 of the full NWTC Strategic Directions 2018-2023 publication.
