Adv Anatomy & Physiology
Credits: 4
Course Number: 10-806-179
Course Description
10-806-179 ADVANCED ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY ...normal human anatomy and physiology are studied using a body systems approach with emphasis on the interrelationships between form and function at the gross and microscopic levels of organization. (Prerequisite: 10-806-177, Gen Anatomy & Physiology with a "C" or better. Health programs may require a higher grade; refer to your plan for details.)
Course Typically Offered
Most NWTC classes are offered in 8-week sessions. Learn more about how our class schedule can help you succeed.
Credit for Prior Learning
How can I use this course to achieve my career goals?
This course is associated with the following programs:
What will I learn?
- Analyze how the individual components of the nervous system work as an integrated whole
- Analyze how the individual components of the endocrine system work as an integrated whole
- Analyze the processes of cellular metabolism
- Correlate muscle physiology to normal body function
- Analyze the roles of DNA and RNA in controlling cell function and genetics
- Evaluate the components of defense and immunity that support homeostasis
- Analyze cardiovascular physiology to normal body function
- Analyze renal physiology
- Evaluate the roles of different organ systems in maintaining adequate tissue perfusion and oxygenation
- Distinguish among the processes of digestion, absorption, and assimilation
- Correlate fluid, electrolyte and acid-base balance to the homeostatic mechanisms responsible for their control
- Integrate genetics, development and human reproductive physiology
- Use appropriate scientific laboratory methods and safety precautions