Advanced Circuits
Credits: 3
Course Number: 10-662-105
Course Description
10-662-105 ADVANCED CIRCUITS ...solve advanced series-parallel circuits utilizing Thevenin's and Norton's Theorems, nodal analysis, superposition, complex number-based, and other circuit analysis techniques. Also includes Ideal op-amp, three-phase circuits, circuit models of sensors and actuators, laboratory, simulation, and documentation. (Prerequisite: 10-660-109, AC 3: RLC Circuits)
Course Typically Offered
Most NWTC classes are offered in 8-week sessions. Learn more about how our class schedule can help you succeed.
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This course is associated with the following programs:
What will I learn?
- Express alternating current sinusoidal signals in the time domain and the phasor domain mathematically
- Explain DC and AC characteristics of an ideal passive components (resistors, inductors, and capacitors)
- Analyze basic DC and AC electrical circuits using fundamental well-known circuit laws
- Analyze common ideal op-amp circuit configurations
- Analyze circuits with provided models of sensors and actuators, including hardware and machines, and equivalent circuits
- Determine the magnitude frequency response equations and plots of first-order, two-component series RL and RC lowpass filters (LPF) and highpass filters (HPF)
- Determine complex power in an AC circuit containing reactances
- Analyze AC circuits that contain ideal transformers
- Analyze balanced three-phase circuits
- Demonstrate proper use of DC and AC electronic instrumentation in the laboratory
- Create technical documentation
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