Clinical Experience I
Credits: 3
Course Number: 10-550-211
Course Description
10-550-211 CLINICAL EXPERIENCE I ... lmmersive experience with an agency including supervised practice in the 12 core functions. Integrates the knowledge, theory, skills, and professional behaviors learned in the two previous semesters of coursework. Emphasis on gaining first-hand knowledge and refine previously acquired skills to gain a greater understanding of self and the helping professions. (Prerequisite: 10-550-201; Understanding Substance Use,10-550-206; Intro to Interview & Counsel, 10-550-204; Group Facilitation, 10-550-203; Overview of Mental Health Dis, 10-550-210; Boundaries Ethics Helping Prof,10-550-202; Foundations of Case Management, 10-520-103; Emotional Intelligence, 10-550-200; Intro to Sub Use Disorders)
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