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Digital 2: Sequential

Credits: 1
Course Number: 10-660-102

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Course Description

10-660-102 DIGITAL 2: SEQUENTIAL ...operation and connection of latches, RS flip-flops, JK flip-flops, and D flip-flops using timing diagram analysis, and some simple applications are studied. (Pre-requisite: 10-660-101, Digital 1: Logic)

Course Typically Offered

  • Fall
  • Spring

Most NWTC classes are offered in 8-week sessions. Learn more about how our class schedule can help you succeed.

How can I use this course to achieve my career goals?

What will I learn?

  1. Perform simplification using DeMorgan’s theorems.
  2. Design simple circuits using alternate logic.
  3. Perform general design procedures to simplify complex Boolean expressions.
  4. Perform general design procedures using Karnaugh maps.
  5. Describe the operation of a latch.
  6. Analyze a complex circuit that uses latches.
  7. Describe the operation of clocked RS flip-flops.
  8. Describe the operation of clocked JK flip-flops.
  9. Describe the operation of clocked D flip-flops.
  10. Explain how asynchronous inputs effect the operation of a flip-flop.

Class Details

Class Number:
Blended - 50%-99% Online
Summer 2025
Date Range:
Estimated Cost:
$168.85 *

Class Notes

  • IMPORTANT: This class consists of both lecture and hands-on lab activities. You can watch the lectures on video through NWTC Canvas. You will complete the hands-on lab activities in the ET129 or ET120 lab during the posted open lab times. ET129 and ET120 are open limited hours during the summer. Please connect with your instructor for lab hours. Plan on spending approximately 30 hours to complete this course. The campus lab will observe all college closure dates.

Meeting Times

Dates Day(s) / Time Location(s)
06/06/25 - 08/01/25 Anytime
Green Bay Campus Room ET129

* Cost displayed is based on in-state residency. Back to cost
