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One Marinette-area student is taking an unusual path to her nursing degree, and two local colleges say more students will follow her lead.
Sarah Pettit, a graduate of UW-Green Bay Marinette Campus, will graduate from NWTC with her ADN in May 2021, then may take another year at UW-Green Bay Marinette Campus to finish her bachelor’s. By combining college programs, she can save money and earn a bachelor’s degree in her hometown.
NWTC Marinette Dean Jennifer Flatt came to work at NWTC from UW-Marinette, where she taught Sarah. “Sarah grew up in Marinette and was home-schooled. While she was at UW-Green Bay, Marinette Campus she was a stellar basketball and volleyball player and a student ambassador. At NWTC she’s getting rave reviews from faculty. All in all, she’s a great success story…and is a frontline worker making a difference in our community.”
The nursing degree path she chose is part of a partnership between the two Marinette colleges designed to help more students achieve credentials, which is critical as health care providers nationwide face a shortage of skilled professionals.
“In response to the need for nurses, local students like Sarah Pettit are stepping up and succeeding—and local higher education is ready with multiple pathways to help train the healthcare staff we need,” Flatt said.
The Marinette Eagle-Herald interviewed her this week. Check out the full story here. Many thanks to reporter Wes Beyer for getting the story!