2024 DREAM Scholar Applications NOW OPEN

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NWTC 2023 DREAM Scholar nominee, Rebekah Tourtillott
NWTC 2023 DREAM Scholar nominee, Rebekah Tourtillott

Would you like to grow as a leader, develop more confidence, and strengthen your enthusiasm for your career choice? Consider applying to be NWTC’s nominee as a DREAM Scholar!

Each year NWTC nominates one student to the DREAM Scholars program. If NWTC’s nominee is one of the eight students selected nationally, they will participate in a series of online mentoring sessions with Achieving the Dream and be required to attend (at no charge to them) the annual conference, held in Orlando, Florida, February 19-22, 2024. If selected, the DREAM Scholar will be required to speak publicly and share parts of their story at this conference as well as in local, regional, and national media outlets. 

Read about an NWTC student who was selected as one of the 8 Dream Scholars.

To Apply:
Students must submit responses to the questions below in a Microsoft Word document and email them to jennifer.flatt@nwtc.edu no later than 12:00 p.m. (noon) on October 23, 2023. Your answers may vary in length based on the question and your experiences. If you are selected as NWTC's nominee, someone will work with you to ensure your answers meet the length requirements allowed in the application, so as you write, think about developing your ideas and examples and don't worry about word count. 

  1. List the name of a faculty or staff member who would be able to speak to your eligibility for this honor. Please let that person know you are listing their name.
  2. Why are you interested in being a DREAM Scholar? Be sure to include personal attributes or characteristics. (More information can be found on the Achieving the Dream website)
  3. Tell us about your personal and educational journeys. If you faced personal or financial obstacles, be sure to mention how you persisted in reaching your goals despite challenges.
  4. What inspires you and what you are passionate about?
  5. Describe your most meaningful achievements and how they relate to your future goals.
  6. What aspects of your identities do you feel have most impacted your educational experience and why? (e.g., race/ethnicity, gender identity, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, religion/spirituality, immigration status, (dis)ability, etc.)
  7. Describe a time when you acted as a leader.
  8. What have you read, viewed, or listened to recently that has impacted or changed how you experience the world?
  9. What DREAM 2024 conference theme(s) are you most interested in learning more about and why? The themes are access, momentum, mobility, and community impact. (For examples of how these conference themes were present in sessions from last year’s conference, visit last year's Achieving the Dream conference website.)
  10. The Harvey Lincoln Scholarship is awarded to two DREAM Scholar applicants who have persisted in their studies through educational, personal, or financial obstacles. If you wish to be considered for this scholarship, please also write a response to this prompt: Describe an example of how you have contributed to the betterment of your local community and/or college community. 
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