‘Not all careers need four years’: Automotive student shares her NWTC experience

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Elsie Crain

Elsie Crain

Automotive student

Elsie Crain grew up loving cars, and she enjoys working on her own vehicle.

“Ever since I was a little girl, I always wanted to do something with cars,” Crain said.

Now a student in the Automotive Technician program, Crain has already landed a job where she is applying her new skills. But that’s just the first step for Crain. She dreams of one day owning her own car shop where she can build custom engines.

At NWTC, Crain has appreciated being around people who share her passion for cars. She also credits the instructors for being extremely helpful and knowledgeable.

“This is a great first place to be at, whatever your career choice happens to be. Or like me; if it’s possibly your last [educational step],” Crain said. “Not all careers need four years of school.” 

Learn more about the Automotive Technician program.

See Crain and her fellow students at work in the Auto Lab and hear more of her story:

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