The Bald Eagle Podcast: NWTC's New Location - Green Bay East

Home » Blog » 2021 » December » The Bald Eagle Podcast: NWTC's New Location - Green Bay East
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About the episode: Garrett talks about NWTC's first in-person graduation in two years, winter break, and the New Year. Then, Rose Pavia, success advisor at Green Bay East, joins him in the booth to discuss NWTC's newest location and the awesome services it offers to the community.

Learn more about the Green Bay East location. 


Why Celebrate LGBTQIA+ Pride at Work?

Why Celebrate LGBTQIA+ Pride at Work?

NWTC Dean of Regional Learning, Jan Scoville, reflects on the importance of National Coming Out Day and creating belonging for members of the LGBTQIA+ community.

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