Student Conduct

Student success is the focus of everything we do at NWTC. We believe all students deserve the opportunity to pursue their educational and career goals.  

To ensure a safe, inclusive, and positive environment for all, NWTC has established procedures and resources for students, faculty, and staff to address behavioral concerns and incidents that affect the NWTC community and its educational objectives.

Report a Student Code Violation or a Concern

Maybe they’ve stopped attending classes, returning calls, or going out. Maybe they’ve made comments about hurting themselves or someone else.  

If you believe a student may pose a threat to themselves or others, there are people on campus who can help! You can submit your concerns anonymously. 

Anyone may allege a Student Code of Conduct violation by completing an NWTC Incident Report Form.  

In addition, students may contact Campus Security or any member of the College staff to initiate an incident report.  

Report a Code Violation or Concern

Your CARE Team

If a student is experiencing extreme distress or engaging in harmful, threatening, or disruptive behaviors, the College Assessment Response and Education (CARE) Team will respond. The team focuses on prevention and early intervention of campus situations. Students who pose a potential threat to themselves or others may be required to meet with a team member, the entire team, or with a mental health professional. The end result is to offer the student a plan for success, always mindful of the student’s best interest. 

Student Code of Conduct

Related to student conduct, the term “student” applies to all persons currently enrolled in courses at NWTC, either full-time or part-time.  

In order for the College to maintain high standards of instruction and permit all who attend NWTC to obtain the most from their educational experience, students will: 

  1. Conduct themselves in a manner as to comply with all civil and criminal laws and College policies and regulations while on NWTC properties or off-site school sponsored events. 
  2. Not interfere with the educational process of the College in any manner. 
  3. Conduct themselves both on-campus and off-site so that they do not endanger the safety or well-being of other students, staff, or faculty.  

Students must provide appropriate photo identification upon request by College personnel.  

Removal from a classroom 

Students are expected to comply with all instructions from instructors or staff while in the classroom or labs. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner.  

If a student is asked by an instructor or staff member of NWTC to remove themselves from either a classroom or another college location, the student may only return to that area with the approval of their instructor or a Dean/Associate Dean.  

What qualifies as a violation of the Student Code of Conduct?

Whenever a student commits or attempts to commit a violation of the Student Code of Conduct as set out below on the College campus, or at an activity, function or event sponsored or supervised by the College, discipline and sanctions may be imposed on the student. Discipline may also be imposed whenever a student commits a violation of the Student Code of Conduct off campus if the misconduct adversely affects the College community or the pursuit of its educational objectives. NWTC academic programs may have program specific handbooks with additional expectations and possible sanctions specific to the program. Students may be subject to possible sanctions from both their specific academic program as well as the general Student Code of Conduct.  

Violations of the Student Code of Conduct include but are not limited to:  

  1. Violation of NWTC’s Alcohol, Tobacco and Drug Free Working and Learning Policy. 
  2. Theft, or attempted theft, of property, services, or funds, including forging documents for financial gain.  
  3. Intentional or willful destruction of property. Unintentional damage may also be considered a violation of the Student Code of Conduct if the student(s) responsible does not report the damage to College staff. Restitution may be required if the damage happens to NWTC property or facilities.  
  4. Assault and/or battery. 
  5. Conduct (to include social media and electronic communication) which constitutes harassment, bullying or abuse that threatens the physical or mental well-being, health, or safety of any individual.  
  6. Sexual harassment or misconduct to include: - Any sexual act that occurs without the consent of the victim, or that occurs when the victim is unable to give consent. - Obscene, lewd, or indecent behavior, which includes, but is not limited to, exposure of one’s sexual organs or the display of sexual behavior that would reasonably be offensive to others. Conduct of a sexual nature that creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive campus, educational or working environment for another person. This includes unwanted, unwelcome, or inappropriate sexual or gender-based activities or comments. (For more details on sexual misconduct, how to file an incident report, Title IX Coordinators contact information, etc., see section in Student Handbook, listed as “Title IX”). 
  7. Possession or use of weapons or explosive devices including threats of such activities. All NWTC owned/leased properties are weapons-free as per Wisconsin State Statute 943.13(1m)(5): Possession of firearms, dangerous articles, incendiary devices, explosives, or other potential weapons are forbidden on NWTC owned or operated property or at NWTC sponsored activities, except in program and/or course required and designated instances. The use, concealment, creating, manufacture, or possession of weapons, facsimile firearms, and/or potentially dangerous devices, whether functional or not, in the NWTC facilities (owned or leased), in the NWTC buildings (owned or leased), or at NWTC sponsored functions held on public or private property off campus is strictly prohibited, except as expressly permitted. 
  8. Trespassing on College property or other unauthorized use of College property or services.  
  9.  Abuse of College computer, network, or other technology system resources and other violations of the College’s Technology Use Policy. In addition, use of camera phones, photographs, audio recordings, etc. for educational purposes is prohibited when others would have a reasonable expectation of privacy.  
  10. Disrupting the peace, the education process, or any related activity. Public use of inappropriate language, which interferes in any way with the learning process or environment at NWTC.  
  11. Failure to comply with the directions of an authorized College employee or representative who is performing his/her duties.  
  12. Any conduct that constitutes a violation of the terms of any discipline imposed in accordance with this procedure, or any form of retaliation toward a reporting party or any participant in an investigation or conduct process. Retaliation will not be tolerated.  
  13. Any conduct that constitutes a violation of handbooks, contracts, or behavioral expectations specific to College programs or activities.  
  14. Violation of federal, state, or local laws while on NWTC premises, at NWTC-sponsored activities, or in any context which might endanger the safety or well-being of other students, staff or faculty, or which might otherwise be detrimental to the interests of the College.  
  15.  Any behavior considered harmful to students, the college community, or the teaching/learning process.  
  16. Academic dishonesty, including cheating, plagiarizing, or furnishing false information on such forms as transcripts or applications for admission. Failure to report knowledge of academic dishonesty to a College official may be considered a violation of the Student Code of Conduct. 
  17. NWTC is a tobacco free campus, which includes all electronic nicotine delivering devices. Tobacco usage is prohibited on the premises (buildings, grounds, sidewalks, streets, parking lots, and structures) or in College owned or leased vehicles. Individuals may use tobacco or e-cigarettes in their personal vehicles; however, disposal of cigarette butts, smoking materials, or garbage on campus grounds is strictly prohibited.  

What are the sanctions for code violations?

In keeping with the values of NWTC, sanctions are designed to promote the College’s educational mission. Sanctions may also serve to promote safety or to deter students from behavior that harms, harasses, or threatens people or property. Some behavior is so harmful or disruptive to the College community or to the educational process that it may require more serious sanctions, such as removal from specific programs, courses or activities, suspension, or expulsion. More than one sanction may be recommended.  

Factors Considered in Determining Sanctions  

Although not binding or definitive, the following factors may be considered in determining what sanctions are appropriate in a case:  

  1. The nature of the violations(s).  
  2. Prior violations and disciplinary history.  
  3. Mitigating circumstances surrounding the violation.  
  4. The student’s motive or purpose for engaging in the behavior.  
  5. Sanctions which have been imposed in similar cases in the past.  
  6. The developmental and educational impact on the student.  

Possible Sanctions for Non-academic Violations 

Multiple sanctions may be imposed, including but not limited to one or more of the following:  

  1. Expulsion: Expel a student from the College, a program, course, or activity on a permanent basis.  
  2. Suspension: Suspend a student from the College, a program, course or activity for a specified period of time.  
  3. Prohibition on Re-enrollment: Bar a student from re-enrolling in the College, a program, course or activity for a specified or unlimited period of time, if a student withdraws prior to being suspended or expelled.  
  4. Conditional Enrollment or Re-enrollment: Condition a student’s enrollment or re-enrollment on his or her taking or refraining from specific actions.  
  5. Behavioral Expectations: Place a written notice of expectations in the student’s conduct case file where students must comply with all terms and conditions of College policies regarding student behavior. They must also comply with any sanctions and provisions issued in the document such as mental health assessments, counseling participation, referrals to outside agencies, etc.  
  6. Educational Requirements: A provision to complete a specific educational requirement directly related to the violation committed. The provision will be clearly defined. Such educational requirements may include, but are not limited to, completion of an alcohol education workshop, a diversity awareness workshop, essays, reports, etc.  
  7. Remedial Action: An agreement between the student and the Office of the Dean of Student Development that the student shall pursue specific remedial action.  
  8. Probation and/or Restrictions: The withdrawal of specified privileges or restrictions on action for a definite period of time (i.e., restriction from entering specific College areas and/or all forms of contact with certain individuals).  
  9. Reprimand: A formal letter of warning or final warning shall be placed in the student’s conduct case file.  

What should I expect if I am accused of violating NWTC’s Student Code of Conduct? (Non-academic Violations)

The student conduct process may occur simultaneously, prior to, or following any criminal or other proceeding. A student charged with violating the Code of Conduct may not avoid the conduct process by withdrawing from the College. Student conduct proceedings may continue without the student’s participation, and/or a hold may be placed on the student’s record until the matter is resolved. A student may be sanctioned regardless of enrollment status.  

  1. Notification Prior to Meeting 
    When a potential violation to the NWTC Student Code is submitted, the Dean of Student Development or his/her designee may select additional staff to conduct a preliminary investigation of the complaint.
    If sufficient cause is found (suggesting a conduct violation), you will be informed, electronically, using their “” email account.  To view the letter, you will need to login using your NWTC student ID. 

    The email will appear as follows:
    Email instructions: A letter has been issued to you electronically by our office. Upon clicking the link below, you will be tanek to a screen displaying your name and requesting an access code to ensure confidentiality.

    This letter will include a date for a mandatory meeting with the Dean of Student Development or designee.  If you are not able to attend the meeting at the date scheduled, please call the phone number listed in the letter.  If you skip the meeting, a hold could be placed on your student account which would prevent you from being able to register for classes, receive transcripts, etc.   

    You may request to view the incident report before you meet with a member of the Student Conduct team.  You will need to make this request, in writing, to the Dean of Student Development at least one (1) business day in advance.  You will only be allowed to view a hard copy and will not be permitted to take the report out of the Student Development Office.  NWTC will redact personal information (names, ID numbers and addresses) of other students or staff members.  You can take notes while viewing the report, but you cannot make a complete verbatim copy of the report. 

  2. Interim Action (if necessary/applicable) 
    The Dean of Student Development or designee may impose interim action prior to a conduct meeting and/or while an investigation or conduct process is occurring. Such action is reserved for those cases when it is necessary to protect the health, welfare, or safety of a student or the community. Such action may also apply if the student poses a threat of significant disruption to the educational process and/or the normal operations of the College, or if the student cannot be located, and/or does not participate in the conduct process. Should such events occur, the Dean of Student Development shall send written notice of such measures/actions to the student, at his or her last known address by certified mail, return receipt requested as well as through the student’s NWTC email account. The notice shall state the specific action imposed and the reason for the action as well as instructions regarding next steps in the conduct process. 
  3. Possible Outcomes of the Preliminary Investigation 
    After an investigation into the alleged violation, the Dean of Student Development or his/her designee will determine the best way to resolve the issue:
    1. Insufficient Cause – you are found “not responsible” and case is closed. 
    2. Mediation – This is a voluntary process where you and any other involved party(s) meet with a neutral third party to discuss and design a resolution to the issues of concern.  Mediation will often result in a written agreement that both parties involved create and sign.  You or the other party(s) may choose not to participate in this process.  If that is the case, your case will be resolved by an informal resolution. 
    3. Informal Resolution – You may choose to resolve the issue informally.  During an informal resolution meeting, you and the Dean of Student Development (or his/her designee) will review the charges and you can accept responsibility or explain your perspective of the matter.   If you accept responsibility, you and the Dean of Student Development (or his/her designee) may then discuss a plan for resolving the issues.  This may include sanctions. 

      During this meeting, after being informed of your rights as a student at NWTC, will be asked to sign a judicial action form 
    4. Formal Hearing - The student may proceed to a formal hearing if requested (see above). At this time, an NWTC Student Conduct Panel, consisting of three (3) NWTC staff members; of which two (2) representatives will be from the Learning Division and one (1) representative from Student Services, would be assigned by the Vice President of Student Services and convened to hear the case.  

What is the appeal process?

All students have the right to appeal disciplinary decisions with the exception of students who request a formal hearing but do not attend their scheduled hearing time. Appeal requests must be made in writing to the Vice President of Student Services within three business days after verbal or written notification of the sanction.  

A student may appeal for three reasons which include: 

  1. The introduction of new information.  
  2. Failure to uphold the student’s rights.  

An appeal must contain the following information:  

  1. Reason for the appeal request.
  2. The name, address, and telephone number of the party.  
  3. A clear statement explaining the nature and circumstances of the appeal, citing the new evidence and/or the explanation with specifics of the alleged lack of fairness in the prior hearing.  

The Vice President of Student Services or designee will render and cause a decision to be sent to the student via their NWTC email account within 10 academic days after receipt of the appeal. At the discretion of the Dean of Student Development or designee, sanctions may be deferred while a request for an appeal is being considered. 

Have questions about the Student Code of Conduct?

John Grant
John Grant
Associate Vice President of Student Affairs and Title IX Coordinator
Kelly Schumacher
Kelly Schumacher
Case Manager, Care and Conduct and Title IX Deputy Coordinator