NSF Math Curriculum for Welding
Many of the activities below are hands-on (with the exception of activities 1 and 5). By clicking on the "Math Activities" link above you will access a description of each of the activities and a summary of supplies needed for each activity. For those who have worked with us through this grant or attended our workshop, these activities utilize the math kit provided to you. For those outside of our district or state, many activities would involve producing some items cut or fabricated by welding or technical education faculty. Dimensions and blueprints are shared in the document below call "Math Kit Information for Reproduction". The student worksheets that go with each activity are also below. For instructor answer keys which include points of discussion, request more information below.
- Math-Kit-Information-for-Reproduction
- Activity-1-Whole-Numbers-Activity
- Activity-2-Fractions-Activity
- Activity-3-Decimals-Activity
- Activity-4-Measurement-Activity
- Activity-5-Integer-Activity
- Activity-6-Algebra-Activity
- Activity-7-Geometry-Activity
- Activity-8-Trigonometry-Activity
- Activity-9-Bolt-Hole-Circle-Activity
These videos were created in manufacturing companies in the Green Bay area in order to relate how math is used in manufacturing. By clicking on the "Math Videos" link above you will access a description of each of the videos and links to the videos housed on You Tube. Below are student worksheets that can be used for group discussion and calculations as the videos are being viewed. For instructor answer keys, request more information below.
For more videos and lesson plans like the ones below, check out http://newmfgalliance.org/educators-students/get-real-math-videos/.
** NOTE: Video Links in You Tube Broke in Spring 2019. Here is a list of updated links. All documents below are updated as well with working links: Fixed-links
- Video-1-Steel-Rectangular-Tubing-Whole-Numbers-Lesson-Plan-Handout
- Video-2-Weld-Inspection-Fractions-Lesson-Plan-Handout
- Video-3-Press-Brake-Decimals-Handout
- Video-4-Robots-Measurement-Handout
- Video-5-Temperature-Integers-Handout
- Video-6-Rigging-a-Table-Algebra-Handout
- Video-7-Cylindrical-Tank-Geometry-Handout
- Video-8-Tank-Reducer-Trigonometry-Arc-Length-Handout
- Video-9-Load-Capacity-Trigonometry-and-Pythagorean-Theorem-Handout
Presentations of Math Concepts
These presentations below can be used in the classroom along with the activities and videos to give students an understanding of the concepts through learning the basics as well as utilizing applications to welding and manufacturing through many contextualized problems. For usable and editable power point documents and instructor answer keys, request more information below.
By clicking on the link above, you can learn more about the industry and campus tours given to area high schools students were they get the opportunity to see manufacturing companies, what our technical college has to offer, and get to do some hands-on math and welding with current welding college students.
By clicking on the link above, you can view a summary of many aspects of our project.