NWTC Students Help Revitalize NEW Zoo

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NWTC students build trolley depot for NEW Zoo
NWTC students build trolley depot for NEW Zoo

Northeast Wisconsin Technical College students are once again using their skills to help revitalize the NEW Zoo & Adventure Park.
For years, NWTC students enrolled in the Architecture & Construction programs have been building projects to help renovate and modernize the NEW Zoo. This spring semester, NWTC students have designed a new 44-foot-long trolley depot, the largest structure they have constructed for the NEW Zoo thus far.
“We are grateful for our long-standing partnership with NWTC and the students who have provided their time, talent and energy to help improve our facilities,” said Neil Anderson, director of Northeastern Wisconsin Zoo & Adventure Park.
Each semester, students in NWTC’s carpentry and electrical power distribution programs design and build projects to gain hands on skills. Within the last several years, students have completed over nine projects for the NEW Zoo including the Mayan Restaurant storage facility, Emu shelter, and Care Cabins.
“This has been a terrific opportunity to provide our students with real world experiences,” said Jeff Schlag, NWTC carpentry instructor. “It is also rewarding for our students to see the impact of their work outside of the classroom. They are truly making a difference in their own community.”  
This project is part of NWTC’s Service-Learning where students can apply their skills to help the community. Each year, students dedicate their time to over 280 Service-Learning projects available across departments.
“NWTC has had leaders on the NEW Zoological Society Board of Directors for over than 20 years,” said Joe Draves, NWTC associate dean of trades & engineering technologies. “The Zoo is going through a modernization phase, with plans for significant changes for the next 10 years, and our NWTC students will continue to be an integral part of this long-term plan.

The new trolley depot will be open to visitors at a later date. Visit NEW Zoo & Adventure Park for hours of operation and additional details.
Check out NWTC's Architecture & Construction programs to learn more about these career options. Fall 2021 registration is available now.

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