NWTC Marinette Celebrates 50 Years with an Open House

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NWTC celebrates 50 years with open house for everyone to experience newly renovated west side of campus and learn about the College’s resources to students and the greater community.
NWTC celebrates 50 years with open house for everyone to experience newly renovated west side of campus and learn about the College’s resources to students and the greater community.
50 years ago this April, NWTC Marinette was getting ready for the opening of its new campus location where it still is today at 1601 University Drive. 

In celebration of that 50th anniversary, NWTC Marinette will host an Open House on Wednesday, April 27 from 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. for the public to tour the newly renovated west side of campus and learn about the College’s resources to students and the greater community.

“We wanted to use this opportunity for the public to experience our facilities firsthand since the referendum in 2018,” said Jennifer Flatt, campus dean of NWTC Marinette. “Our college has been an ongoing resource not just for our students, but for our community as well. This is an exciting night of celebration and reveal for everyone.”

For over 100 years, students have begun their educational journey through NWTC Marinette. Since then, the College continues to evolve to meet the growing needs of the community with initiatives such as:
Expanding partnerships for access to continued education. NWTC Marinette and UW-Green Bay, Marinette Campus created the Marinette Area Higher Education Coalition. Students enrolled at either college have the unique opportunity to access resources and services at either campus as well as transfer select degrees.

Evolving to meet workforce needs. The College evaluates and evolves its curriculum every year to meet the needs of the workforce. Today the college offers education in over 40 program areas. In response to high demand, some of the newest program additions include Human Services, Medical Assistant, and Automation. 

Growing in community resources. Nearly 700 companies select NWTC’s Corporate Training and Economic Development (CTED) program to help upskill and train their employees every year. CTED provides specialty training services, workshops, and seminars for various industries within corrections, maritime, industry 4.0 and energy. 

“Higher education is an important pillar to the success stories within our great community. Reflecting on the past 50 years is a rewarding moment, as we are not only helping to build a vital community, but also helping students achieve their dreams. We look forward to the future and to what the next 50 years will bring,” said Flatt. 

To learn more about the Open House on April 27, follow @NWTCMarinette on Facebook, check out nwtc.edu/50Years or call 715-735-9361.
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