NWTC Students Win First Place with Idea to Keep Phones Working Longer

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Congratulations to the Northeast Wisconsin Technical College Global Business class students who placed first recently in the of the Global Sustainability Challenge. 

The NWTC group teamed up with students from Sulaimani Polytechnic University in Iraq to create a device that will extend the life cycle of older cell phones while simultaneously reducing waste and pollution from frequent upgrades. 
Their team, Team Elite Innovators, pitched the concept during the Virtual Global Business Expo. The NWTC and Sulaimani Polytechnic University team was one of 17 binational teams from the United States, Iraq, and Jordan that competed to create unique idea to increase sustainability within the technology industry.
Congratulations to College of Business instructor Terri Brown and her students! Good job! We are #NWTCProud.

The Global Sustainability Challenge is a joint partnership with IREX, the Department of State, the Aspen Institute, and the Steven’s Initiative.

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