Studying Tips and Resources Learn how to study effectively to succeed in NWTC classes

A coach works with a student on Photoshop skills

Forget cramming all night! Studying is about actually understanding the material, not just memorizing it. On this page, you’ll find ideas and tools to maximize your study time.
First, why are study skills important?

  • Ditch the distractions to get laser focused:  Strong study skills help you zero in on what truly matters in each class, cutting out distractions and keeping you on track. 
  • Unlock better grades and save money: By actively engaging with the material (think flashcards, practice problems, and self-made study guides!), you'll gain a deeper understanding, leading to better grades and avoiding the cost of retaking classes. 
  • Master life skills for your future:  Study habits are like superpowers that translate beyond NWTC. You'll build valuable skills like time management and planning – exactly what employers are looking for – setting you up for success in your future career and personal goals! 

How to get organized

College can throw a lot of stuff your way – textbooks, notes, schedules – it's enough to make your head spin!  But don't worry, we've got your back. These first three steps will get you organized and ready to crush your classes: 

  1. Dedicate 30 minutes to sort your stuff.  Use folders or digital files, whatever works best for you!  Label a notebook or computer folder for each class. Don't forget to explore your online learning platform (like Canvas) to find all the cool resources hidden there. 
  2. Grab a calendar or planner (phone calendars work too!) and map out your week, month, or even the whole semester. Block out your class times, work schedule, and any other commitments. Now schedule some serious study time!  Think 20-minute chunks for each class, a few times a week. 
  3. Connecting with classmates, instructors, and free tutors on campus is a total game-changer. They can answer questions, help explain tricky concepts, and keep you motivated. Plus, the  library has laptops you can borrow  if you need a tech boost! 

 Once you're organized and have a plan (see the How to Study Guide below), you're ready to dive into some killer study techniques. 

Download the How to Study Guide (pdf)

Find your motivation

Motivation can be everything! The “why” is important to keep you focused day after day and week after week. 

Here's a quick trick to stay motivated: Answer these questions: 

What's your big dream?  What are you working towards? Is it landing your dream job, crushing a specific class, or maybe acing that certification? Get clear on your goal! 

Why does this matter?  Why is this goal so important to YOU?  Dig deep and find your personal reason for crushing it. Is it about feeling secure, helping others, or simply proving something to yourself? 

When's your victory lap?  Set a realistic timeline for achieving your goal. Break it down into smaller steps so you can celebrate mini-wins along the way. 

Bonus tip:   Write your answers down and stick them somewhere you'll see them every day! Seeing your "why" in black and white will keep you motivated and focused on achieving your NWTC goals! 

Set up your plan (pdf)

Choose your priorities and goals 

Feeling pulled in a million directions? The key is prioritizing your tasks and creating a plan to conquer them.  

Time management skills are your secret weapon! Below are downloadable resources to help you map out your days and weeks like a boss.  

Feeling swamped? No worries! Our "Plan Your Day" and "Plan Your Week" sections are packed with step-by-step tips to prioritize tasks and stay on top of it all. 

Procrastination can be a sneaky enemy. Here are two resources to help you beat it:

More Study Resources

Unlock your potential with free tutoring and coaching

NWTC's Academic Coaching and Tutoring services are here to help YOU succeed. We offer FREE in-person, virtual, and online tutoring across a wide range of subjects, from math and writing to nursing and IT. Plus, our experienced coaches can help you develop powerful study skills and stay on track to achieve your academic goals. 

View in-person and online coaching options

Places to study on campus

  • Check out the  Academic Coaching and Tutoring Labs  for focused study with access to academic support. 
  • The  library  boasts private study rooms perfect for individual or group study sessions (be sure to reserve them in advance!). 
  • Need some peace and quiet?  Head to the  computer labs  for a dedicated study environment with all the tools you need. 
  • Find a comfy spot in one of our  student lounges or common areas  for group study sessions or a casual study break. 