Graduate Outcome Report 2022-2023
93% of NWTC grads are employed within six months of graduation.
Median salary of associate degree grads: $52,592 six months after graduation.
Percent Employed
93% of 2022-2023 graduates available for employment were employed six months after graduation, and 72% of those had jobs in their field of study.
![93% Employed - 7% Seeking employment](/getmedia/a8a9253e-d82f-4fd7-b87b-6a1668c28028/employment.jpg)
Satisfaction with Training
97% of NWTC Graduates are Satisfied or Very Satisfied with their training.
![58% Very satisfied, 40% Satisfied, 2% Unsatisfied or Very Unsatisfied](/getmedia/cdd30ac4-b7ff-4014-87e2-504f0fa4a8ff/satisfaction.jpg)
Why graduates choose NWTC
32% Preparation for Getting a Job
25% Prepare for further education
17% Improve Existing Job Skills
15% Make a Career Change
8% Personal Interest
3% Other Reasons
Location of Employment
55% of graduates work in the NWTC district. 22% work in Wisconsin. 5% are employed out-of-state.
![Map of the northeast Wisconsin district](/getmedia/b8c070ec-f5dc-44a9-a55c-6abdfdf33859/locations-map.png)
About the Data
This information contains Graduate Follow-Up Survey employment-related findings for Summer 2022 through Spring 2023 graduates at approximately 6 months after graduation. All 2,296 graduates were contacted via email, phone and text and asked to complete the survey; and 1,361 graduates completed the survey.
Report Definitions
Number of graduates — Count of program graduates as of survey date.
Percent employed — Portion of survey respondents available for employment reporting full- or part-time employment approximately 6 months after graduation.
Percent employed in field — Portion of survey respondents reporting employment who have a job related to their specific program of study.
Median annual wage — Of graduates reporting full-time, related jobs, this is the annualized salary of the middle graduate when salaries are ranked from low to high. * Indicates not enough wage data collected via survey.