Student Emergency Fund
Are you a student experiencing an unexpected financial hardship? If so, we may be able to help.
You may be eligible to receive emergency financial assistance to help you stay at NWTC and reach your goals!

Getting the Help You Need is Easy
Vehicle repairs and transportation needs, housing assistance, utility assistance, and food assistance are just some of the expenses that may be covered by the Student Emergency Fund (SEF).
In addition to providing emergency funding, we can connect you with other helpful College and community resources.
About the Student Emergency Fund
The Student Emergency Fund is a short-term, emergency assistance program made possible through the generosity of NWTC employee giving, the NWTC Educational Foundation, fundraisers across the College, and funding from State grants. The fund was established to assist students with immediate financial needs in order to help them stay in school. For more information reach out to financialcoaching@nwtc.edu.