Undecided on a major?

Wondering where to start?
If your major is undecided, examine the best paths to take based on your interests, personality, skills, and values.
It looks similar, but PathwayU is VERY different from any career assessment you have done before. A predictive algorithm powers the tool to help guide you to employment pathways that offer you purpose and meaning.
Questions about your results? Set up a virtual or in-person meeting with a career advisor.

Narrowed it down to a few options?
More Career Research Options
Find out more about NWTC graduate experiences or search online resources that can assist in your career development.
NWTC Graduate Outcomes
Learn more about the experiences of Northeast Wisconsin Technical College grads by program.
Search Detailed Job Descriptions on O*NET OnLine
O*NET OnLine is a free resource that provides detailed information on hundreds of careers to help you explore and plan your future.
Explore Wisconsin's Job Market
The Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development provides real-time data on jobs, salaries, and training to help people make informed career choices.
What Can I Do With This Major?
This resource helps you connect major areas of study to real-world jobs and employers.
Learn How to Become
Use this resource to search career paths and to research education options, job details, and salaries.