During the Semester

Everything you wanted to know but didn't know how to ask
Helpful hints for a fulfilling semester:
Door County Learning in Retirement is a membership-only organization. Catalogs come out twice a year: in late Spring for the Fall semester, and in late Fall for the Spring semester. Members pay an annual fee of $70 with Fall registration, which covers both Fall and Spring semesters. For this fee, members may register for as many classes as they wish in both semesters. Anyone missing the Fall registration date may register and become a member with Spring registration for $50, which covers only the Spring semester.
DCLIR’s office and classroom number is SC111. Facing the main entrance, we are at the far left (South) of the building. Our entrance is located off the South parking lot, which has a turnaround for drop-offs, as well as handicapped spaces. Additional handicapped spaces and parking are located in the Front lot.
Wheelchairs are available. Call the LIR office (746-4947) and we’ll meet you at the door.
Always keep your catalog and confirmation letters for future reference!
Classes with fees: Unless the catalog listing states that fees are “due @ class,” all fees are due to the LIR Office by the dates specified in the catalog. Please check your catalog for the details (e.g., payee, due date.)
Be sure to check the monitor outside Room SC111 weekly for class information, locations and changes.
As a member, how can I help the organization?
Please be considerate!
If you are unable to attend a confirmed course for any reason, please contact the Course Coordinator ASAP. Their contact information is listed in the catalog with each course. Any changes to classes are e-mailed to all members via the weekly E-Newsletter. Revised copies of the catalog, calendar, class changes and open class list are regularly published on these webpages.
Have you checked your e-mail?
Technology – can’t live with it, can’t live without it! Our main communication with our members is via e-mail. We send out regular communications with announcements, class changes or cancellations, and special meetings. Please make an effort to check your e-mail on a regular basis and let us know if your e-mail address has changed.
DCLIR sends out a regular E-Newsletter to all members with an e-mail address. E-News is sent to “bcc” or “Undisclosed Recipients.” DCLIR does not share members’ information with anyone. Make sure you add dclir@nwtc.edu to your list of accepted senders.
Changes to the catalog:
We encourage members to keep their catalogs and confirmation letters so that you have this information at hand, but there are always changes to the catalog. We try to keep a current copy of changes here on our webpages, and we will also inform you by e-mail. Many coordinators have also begun sending out e-mails related to their classes. Before deleting an unfamiliar e-mail, please check the coordinator’s e-mail address as listed in the catalog or class changes.
We have found e-mail to be the best way to inform our members of any changes so that none of you makes a trip to a class that isn’t there. We enjoy seeing and working with all our members, and we thank you for your patience as LIR continues to adapt to its success!
DCLIR is a Volunteer Organization. Make a difference and get involved. Not sure what you want to get involved with as a volunteer for DCLIR? Contact any Board member or the Learning in Retirement Office at (920) 746-4947 or dclir@nwtc.edu.
Presenters: Have you a skill or a topic you want to share? Become a DCLIR Presenter. Download a Course Proposal form from the DCLIR website and scan/e-mail it, snail mail, or drop it off at the DCLIR Office and we will forward to our Curriculum Committee.