Volunteering at DCLIR

LIR is operated solely on volunteer energy. Membership is encouraged to participate so that the program can continue. Following are some opportunities.
Become a Coordinator
What does it take to be a coordinator?
- Communication - by phone or email with the presenter, members who want to cancel or add classes, and DCLIR office for copies of handouts)
- Hospitality (welcome presenter and participants)
- Appreciation (encourage attendees to share feedback and use that information to send a thank you note to the presenter)
What are the benefits?
- The satisfaction of volunteering for a wonderful organization - DCLIR!
- A guaranteed seat in the class you coordinate
- Early registration for all other classes that a coordinator wishes to attend.
Committee work
Contact the LIR Office at 920-746-4947
or send us an e-mail at dclir@nwtc.edu.
Curriculum Committee - Mary Koski and Don Guth, Co-Chairs. Suggest, develop or coordinate courses; phone help, proof reading, catalog distribution.
Presenters - share your interest or talent by teaching a class. The planning and execution of Learning In Retirement is as enriching as the actual course offerings. DCLIR encourages your participation in at least one of the above opportunities. Know you are needed.
Finance Committee – Jim Mitsche, Chair. Develops an annual DCLIR budget and oversees the financial matters of the organization.
Social Committee - Laurel Wise and Jeanne Pfaff are the Co-chairs. Prepare and serve refreshments at our social events.