Off Campus Software Access

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How to access the NWTC network

Access the NWTC Network from an internet connection anywhere! There are two ways to access a virtual desktop. Web Browser access is recommended. An app is also available for installation but requires more setup. NOTE: we no longer offer support for USB drives and instead recommend using OneDrive for transferring and storing files.

Access via your web browser

WEb browser icon Launch Browser Access

Step-by-step instructions

Multifactor authentication required for accessClick here to enroll.

Who can use virtual desktops? 

Virtual desktops are available to all faculty and staff as well as students accepted into a program or certificate AND currently enrolled in a class. Virtual desktops will be accessible five days before the class start date and five days after the class end date.

Software available on the student virtual desktop

  1. BlueJ
  2. Eclipse
  3. EditShare Connect
  4. FileZilla
  5. Gimp
  6. Jet Brains
  7. LexisNexis Case Map Suite
  8. Keyboarding Programs
  9. Medisoft
  10. Microsoft Office
  11. Microsoft Power BI
  12. Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
  13. Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise
  14. Microsoft Visual Studio Code
  15. Notepad++
  16. OneDrive
  17. Python
  18. SnapPlusV2
  19. Tabs3

Don't have internet at home?

The college can't provide internet for everyone's house, but that's okay. Lots of internet companies offer student discounts! Here's a handy tool to find these discounts: the Wisconsin Internet Discounter Finder. Just enter your address and it'll show you all the student plans available in your area.

Need help?

Student Help Desk:

The Student Help Desk is available 24/7. Call 920-498-6900 or 866-235-5037 (toll free) or chat with us.

Staff Help Desk:

Contact the NWTC Help Desk at 920- 498-6800 for assistance, or email to open a ticket in our Staff Help Desk system.
