Support Services Throughout your education, there are resources and services available to support you.
- Armed Forces
- Auditing Courses
- Career Closet
- Career Exploration and Assessment
- Class Drop Process
- Class Drop Grade Appeal
- Class Exchange Policy
- Counseling
- Dental Clinic
- Disability Services
- Enrolling in Flexible Ways of Learning
- Enrollment after Class Start Date
- Enrollment for Classes by Program Students
- Enrollment for Classes by Non-Program Students
- Graduate Follow-up Studies
- Provisional Enrollment
- Shared Harvest
- Student Emergency Fund
- Student Health Services
- Student/Alumni Job Search Assistance - Handshake
- Transcripts
- Veterans and Service Members
Armed Forces
If a student who is a member of a national guard or a member of a reserve unit of the U.S. armed forces withdraws from school after September 11, 2001, because he or she is called into state active duty or into active service with the U.S. armed forces for at least 30 days, the district board shall reenroll the student beginning in the semester following his or her discharge from active duty or the next succeeding semester, whichever the student prefers, and, at the student’s request, do one of the following for all courses from which the student had to withdraw:
- Reimburse the student all tuition and fees paid for all the courses.
- Grant the student an incomplete in all the courses and permit the student to complete the courses, within six months after leaving state service or active service, without paying additional tuition or fees.
Auditing Courses
Anyone wishing to review or to obtain general understanding of a subject could request enrollment in a class as an auditing student. As an auditor, students may attend classes, receive a grade of Audit (AU), and are not required to take examinations. Audited classes are not considered part of a credit load and cannot be used to satisfy prerequisites or graduation requirements or applied toward financial benefits. Audit fees are the same as regular class cost.
Students may audit most levels of classes (Associate Degree, Technical Diploma, or Vocational) at the College. Exceptions include: Community Service (60 level) and designated open-entry, self-paced or online classes which include Online (NET), or Self-Paced (SP).
The College reserves the right to determine certain classes as inappropriate for audit and/or limit the number of auditing students per class.
Audit Requirements:
- Audit fees are due at the time of registration.
- Wisconsin Statute 38.24 (4m) provides a program fee exemption if all the following requirements are met:
- Student is age 60 or older on the day the class starts or first date of attendance, whichever is later.
- Student is a resident of Wisconsin or is covered under a reciprocity agreement with another state.
- Space is available in the class.
- Exemption is for the program fee portion of class tuition only. Student is responsible for material, activity and other miscellaneous class fees.
Student may not change from audit to credit status or from credit to audit status at any time after enrollment.
Career Exploration/Career Assessments
Individuals can research specific occupations, map a career path, determine current salary information, research occupational employment outlook, and pinpoint industries hiring specific graduates. Customers can assess their interests, skills, personality, and values by taking available assessments. When an assessment is completed, individuals will have the opportunity to meet with a Career Advisor and explore next steps. Learn more about Career Assessments »
Class Drop Process
The following steps are taken to request a Class Drop:
Starting with the summer 2020 term, NWTC will put a two-business day hold on class drop requests for credit courses between 20-60% of the course completion time.
- The student requests to drop a class via my.NWTC or with Enrollment Services. The student indicates the reason for the drop request.
- The drop request will be put on hold for two business days. Students can check their my.NWTC student email for additional information.
- Appropriate faculty/staff will reach out to student to discuss options with the student before the drop is finalized.
- If faculty/staff receive no response from student or student decides to continue with the drop request, the course will be dropped with the date the original drop request was made.
- A Withdraw (W) grade will be posted.
- If the student decides to remain in the class, Enrollment Services will be notified by staff/faculty and the drop request will be cancelled.
- If faculty/staff receive no response from student or student decides to continue with the drop request, the course will be dropped with the date the original drop request was made.
If students receive financial aid, veteran’s funding or agency assistance, it is their responsibility to notify the appropriate office to verify potential repayment of funds.
If the student is a financial aid recipient or receives funding from other sources, please be advised that changes to enrollment may affect current and future eligibility.
Please contact the Financial Aid Office or an Academic Advisor before making any changes to enrollment.
Class Drop Grade Appeal
After the 60% date of the class, course drops are not allowed; students will get the grade earned. Students wishing to appeal the grade earned after the 60% date of class, must provide documentation of extenuating circumstances. Please read the following policies and procedures below.
- If the class has been completed and a grade has been assigned, including a NS (no show), the class drop form cannot be used. Please contact Enrollment Services for further assistance.
- A class drop form must be completed stating the reason for the drop.
- The instructor is not required to approve the class drop. If the instructor denies the request, it is not necessary to proceed further.
- If approved by the instructor or Dean/ Associate Dean (whenever the instructor is not present), a grade of “W” will then be assigned. There will be no refund after the 60% class completion.
- The class drop grade appeal form can be found on our Website: https://www.nwtc.edu/admissions/student-admissions-resources/registration/class-drop-process
If a student withdraws from a program or certificate, it is the student’s responsibility to also drop any enrolled classes. A student may wish to continue in classes without pursuing a program or certificate. Student Services is not responsible if a student chooses to remain in classes after withdrawing from a program or certificate. Withdrawing from a program may have an impact on financial aid eligibility.
Class Exchange Policy
Class exchanges are valid for degree/credit and non-degree/continuing education courses. Students must meet all enrollment requirements for the exchange to be successful.
The Class Exchange Policy applies to class changes after the start date of the class to be dropped. Class exchanges cannot be completed through the my.NWTC portal. Students interested in exchanging classes after the start date should contact Enrollment Services in-person or by phone, (920) 498-5444. Students requesting information on the College’s refund policy may contact the Student Finance office at (920) 498-5444.
A student who drops from one course and adds another during the first 14 calendar days of a term or 8-week session will receive credit for 100% of class fees dropped which must be applied to the class added. Addition and drop of classes involved must occur on the same day. The exchange policy is not in effect when the student is placed on the waitlist for the added class. Credits for the added class can be greater, less than, or equal to credits for the dropped class.
Tuition costs differ from class to class based on fee types, instruction modes, etc. Tuition charges may change after completion of an exchange.
- If the applicable class fees for the course added exceed the fees for the course dropped, the student will be assessed the additional amount.
- If the applicable class fees for the course dropped exceed the fees for the course added, the student will be issued a refund.
Any extenuating circumstances to the above must be approved by the Dean/Associate Dean for the academic department offering the course. Contact Enrollment Services to request information on how to obtain extenuating circumstance approval
Mental Health Counseling is available to students who are enrolled in 3 or more credits per semester. Counseling is provided by Licensed Professional Counselors skilled in the areas of depression, anxiety, trauma, family issues, test anxiety, and/or substance abuse.
BetterMynd is an online teletherapy platform that connects college students with counselors from the convenience of their laptop or smartphone. Enrolled NWTC students have access to schedule four free 50-minute online-video therapy sessions per semester through the BetterMynd platform. The BetterMynd platform offers users a network of Licensed Professional Counselors from diverse backgrounds and specialties. They also offer group workshops and self-help sessions.
To schedule an appointment, please call 498-5507 or stop in the Counseling Office located at SC231 on the Green Bay campus. Counseling appointments can be held in person, over the phone, or via web conference to support students’ unique needs. Student counseling is a free and confidential service that is provided to students throughout the NWTC district.
Disability Services
Disability Services offers assistance to individuals with disabilities at ALL NWTC sites.
A wide range of services and accommodations are offered to assist students in reaching their educational goals. The Disability Services staff will help guide students through their educational experience at NWTC by providing case management and support services. Students with exceptional educational needs include, but are not limited to, the following: Autism Spectrum Disorders, Learning Disabilities, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Blind or Visually Impaired, Deaf or Hard of Hearing, Anxiety Disorders, Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Orthopedically Impaired, or Speech Impaired.
Students with a documented disability can meet with a case manager by calling (920) 498-6904 or emailing: disability.services@nwtc.edu .
Enrolling in Flexible Ways of Learning
Flexible Ways of Learning at NWTC include online, blended, accelerated, web conferencing, and self-paced classes. Learners can enroll into all these ways of learning unless a student fails, withdraws, or is a no-show three times total during four consecutive terms. If this occurs, the learner is required to meet with an academic advisor/counselor before enrolling in additional flexible ways of learning. The academic advisor/counselor will review the success of previous classes and provide advising regarding future enrollment opportunities. During this time, students will still be able to enroll into classes delivered in other ways of learning.
Enrollment after Class Start Date
Enrollment after class start date requires written instructor(s) approval. The class cost is not prorated.
Enrollment for Classes by Program Students
The following steps are taken to register as a program student:
- An individual must apply and be accepted into a program through the admissions process.
- New students - Prior to beginning the first semester in a degree or diploma program, new students will be required to complete a new student registration session: SOAR Online. SOAR sessions start every April for summer and fall programs and every October for spring programs. New students will receive an invitation via their NWTC email a few weeks prior to the start of registration.
- Prior to each registration, students may access their Degree Progress report through my.NWTC or meet with an advisor (Room SC240) to determine the classes to be taken for the semester.
- The date on which a student can enroll in classes for the upcoming semester, is published online at nwtc.edu/registration . The registration schedule will also be posted around campus. Students are asked to adhere to the scheduled registration date and time to ensure admittance to the desired classes. Class admittance is not guaranteed. Openings are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Payment for classes is due by the first day of the term. For students who register after the first day of the term, payment is due within 10 days of the registration date. Tuition Due Dates can be found nwtc.edu/studentfinancials . Any student funded by a funding agency or an employer is required to present proof of funding by the tuition due date.
- A credit agreement must be signed online if classes are not paid for at time of registration.
- Students will be billed electronically for both non-credit and credit classes if payment is not made at the time of registration.
- For more information, call Enrollment Services at (888) 385-NWTC or (920) 498-5444.
Enrollment for Classes by Non-Program Students
The following steps are taken to register as a non-program student:
- Announcements will be made of the specific dates of registration for each semester online at https://www.nwtc.edu/registration .
- Payment for classes is due by the first day of the term. For students who register after the first day of the term, payment is due within 10 days of the registration date. Tuition Due Dates can be found nwtc.edu/studentfinancials . Any student funded by a funding agency or an employer is required to present proof of funding by the tuition due date.
- A payment agreement must be signed online if classes are not paid for at time of registration. Students will be billed electronically for both non-credit and credit classes if payment is not made at the time of registration.
- For more information, call Enrollment Services at (888) 385-NWTC or (920) 498-5444.
Provisional Enrollment
A student must complete a provisional enrollment form for every class enrollment for which a student has not met pre/co-requisite/s. The requirement will be overridden based on the student’s claim that he/she is in compliance and will allow the student to complete his/her enrollment.
In many instances, the student has met the requirement/s but the necessary documentation supporting compliance is not on file. The burden of proof rests with the student to prove he/she has met the pre/co-requisite. Students have 10 days in which to provide documentation.
If the course that the student seeks has a waitlist, and if the student claims he/she has completed the pre/co-requisite, the student will be placed on the waitlist. However, a provisional enrollment form for every class enrollment for which a student has not met pre/co-requisite/s will be required.
Should an opening occur, only those that have satisfied the requirement will progress from the waitlist to being enrolled into the class based on completion dates of the requisite.
If proof of pre/co-requisite completion is determined, the student remains in the class. If proof is not attainable, the student is withdrawn from the class and 100% refund is awarded. A refund is also issued for any text purchased as a result of the provisional enrollment.
Student Health Services
Currently enrolled students have access to FREE acute care health services in the College’s Campus Care Clinic located on the Green Bay campus and near site services at Bellin Health in Marinette and Sturgeon Bay. Appointments/walk-ins (specific times) are welcome and visits are no cost (including labs). At the clinic, nurse practitioners and physician’s assistants treat patients for common ailments including ear infections, strep throat, cold/flu, infections, minor burns, and rashes. Students must provide their NWTC student ID number to use the services. Bellin Health maintains all records and no one at NWTC has access to individual records.
Veterans and Service Members
Veterans Certifying Information
Student Veterans and Service Members : For the purpose of this handbook, all policies and procedures relating to Veterans and Service Members at NWTC, are defined in accordance with 2013 Wisconsin Act 56. The law states “Veteran and Service Member means a person who has served or is serving on active duty under honorable conditions in the U.S. armed forces, in forces incorporated as part of the U.S. armed forces, in the National Guard, or in a reserve component of the U.S. armed forces.”
Note: NWTC does not award Veteran or Service Member status based on eligibility criteria determined by the State or Federal Department of Veterans Affairs. If a student has a question about their status, they should contact their local county veteran’s office or the Department of Veterans Affairs
Assistance is available for federal benefits under:
- Chapter 30, Montgomery GI Bill ®(Active-Duty)
- Chapter 31, Disabled Veteran’s Vocational Rehabilitations Program
- Chapter 33, Post 9/11 GI Bill®
- Chapter 35, Survivor/Dependents’ Educational Assistance Program
- Chapter 1606, Selected Reserve GI Bill® (Reserve and Guard)
Assistance under Wisconsin Benefits includes:
- National Guard Tuition Grant
- Retraining Grant
- WI GI Bill
Veterans who wish to continue to receive benefits must maintain satisfactory academic progress (GPA 2.0) each semester. For more information on veteran benefits contact the Veterans Certifying Official at (920) 498-6928, refer to the College catalog located on the website at www.nwtc.edu , or stop in the Veterans Office, Room SC134 on the Green Bay campus to speak with the Veterans Education Benefit Specialist.
Veteran Resource Center
The Veterans’ Resource Center, located on the first floor of the Student Center on the Green Bay Campus in SC134. The Veterans Resource Center provides a place for student veterans to connect with peers, meet with the School Certifying Official for questions about VA education benefits, and receive the information and resources needed to be a successful student. For more guidance or answers to questions, please contact the Veterans’ Resource Center.
Service Members Called to Active Duty
In the instances when a service member is ordered to active duty military service, the service member is required to submit a copy of their orders to the Veterans’ Resource Center as soon as they are notified of the activation. The Veterans Support Specialist will work with the affected Service member to identify a solution that will create the least negative impact on the student. For regularly scheduled training obligations, service members should submit a copy of their training schedule to the Veterans Support Specialist, Academic Advisor, and instructors by their first day of class so that accommodations can be planned in advance.
Military Credit for Prior Learning
Based upon the program choice, student degree completion analysis, and net years of active military service (DD214-member 4 copy required), a Service Member/Veteran will be awarded up to 7 credits of general education coursework as outlined below:
For one year of active military service:
- College 101 (10-890-101)
- Oral/Interpersonal Communication (10-801-196)
For three years of active military service:
- Intro to Ethics: Theory and Application (10-809-166)
To get started contact your Academic Advisor, or submit a copy of your DD214 (member 4 copy) to the Veterans’ Resource Center at VeteranServices@nwtc.edu
Accommodation Services
Accommodations on all campuses for Student Veterans with disabilities (such as Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are coordinated through the Disability Services Office on the Green Bay Campus. To request accommodations, or if a Student Veteran needs accommodations, call (920) 498-6904 or (888) 385-6982.
Enrollment Services
Student Veterans and dependents using federal VA educational benefits will only receive payment for courses that apply to their degree as listed in their curriculum and in their degree audit. Students with questions concerning program requirements or registration should contact their Academic Advisor.
Priority Class Registration
Eligible Veterans and Service Members have an opportunity for priority registration for all subsequent semesters. This priority registration allows Student Veterans the opportunity to register 24 hours prior to Non-Veteran students. To qualify for priority registration, students must submit a copy of their DD214 (member 4 copy) to the Veterans Resource Center.
Unearned Tuition Assistance (TA) Policy
The Tuition Assistance (TA) Program (versus the Department of Veterans Affairs education benefits) provides financial assistance for voluntary off-duty civilian education programs in support of a service member’s professional and personal self-development goals.
In the instances when a service member stops attending due to military service obligation, the service member is required to submit a copy of their orders to the Veterans’ Resource Center. Enrollment Services will work with the affected Service member to identify a solution that will not result in a student debt for the returned portion.
TA funds are earned proportionally during an enrollment period, with unearned funds returned based upon when a student officially drops the course(s) through Enrollment Services, any NWTC campus location, or my.NWTC. Any unearned TA funds will be returned directly to the Military Service (not the service member) on a proportional basis through the 60 percent portion of the period for which the funds were provided.
The service member will be charged for the difference between the returned portion of the TA funds, and the Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) Refund Policy for tuition and fees (see Refund Policy).
Schedule of TA Funds to the Government
NWTC has 8-Week sessions, but some classes may be shorter or longer. The following example is based on an 8-Week Course Withdraw. Other shorter or longer courses are dynamic dated and will be prorated similarly.
Day | Return Percentage |
Day 1-5 | 100% return |
Day 6 | 89% return |
Day 7 | 88% return |
Day 8 | 86% return |
Day 9 | 84% return |
Day 10 | 82% return |
Day 11 | 80% return |
Day 12 | 79% return |
Day 13 | 77% return |
Day 14 | 76% return |
Day 15 | 73% return |
Day 16 | 71% return |
Day 17 | 70% return |
Day 18 | 68% return |
Day 19 | 66% return |
Day 20 | 64% return |
Day 21 | 63% return |
Day 22 | 61% return |
Day 23 | 59% return |
Day 24 | 57% return |
Day 25 | 55% return |
Day 26 | 54% return |
Day 27 | 52% return |
Day 28 | 50% return |
Day 29 | 48% return |
Day 30 | 46% return |
Day 31 | 45% return |
Day 32 | 43% return |
Day 33 | 41% return |
Day 34 | 40% return (60% of course is completed) |
Day 35 | 0% return |
Department of Defense Voluntary Education Partnership Policy Statement
In accordance with Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 1322.25, Voluntary Education Programs, paragraph 1.c.(1)(b), Northeast Wisconsin Technical College, as an institution providing education programs through the DoD Tuition Assistance (TA) Program, does not use unfair, deceptive, and abusive recruiting practices. In accordance with DoD MOU paragraph 3.j.(3), Northeast Wisconsin Technical College refrains “from high-pressure recruitment tactics such as making multiple unsolicited contacts (three or more), including contacts by phone, email, or in person, and engaging in same-day recruitment and registration for the purpose of securing Service member enrollments.”
Student Handbook Policies
More policies and resources can be found in the NWTC Student Handbook.